
Mabel Hoggard Elementary Students please login to the General Music Google Classroom. There are special lessons and assignments posted to the General Music Google Classroom website. I have sent the code to your email address.  If you do not have it, please contact me via email:  krusecj1@nv.ccsd.net  Here are a few of the things we have been working on in our Google Classroom.



Timbre or Tone Color




Rhythm lesson


Melody lesson


Form lesson


Major and Minor Tonality lesson


Month of Musical Missions



There are many more activities of our Mabel Hoggard General Google Classroom website. Be sure to go check it out!


1  Music Play lessons – Great place to learn and have fun! This membership is for a limited time. This user name and password will change at the end of March for Music Play. Be sure to check back for updated codes.  Use resources that are on your grade level or challenge yourself to a higher grade level.

2.  Watch this 2017 Music Field Trip and complete the worksheet.

3. Watch this Adventures in Music Styles video and complete the worksheet.

4. 3rd-5th graders Practice recorder. Many of you have the book of Recorder Karate to practice from.  Here are some other suggestions links for fun. Please message me and tell me what you liked and disliked about the recorder links below.

5. Go to the Musical Games Tab and play some musical games.  Be sure to check out Music Chrome Lab. Write a short paragraph about what you learned or practised. Also what you liked and didn’t like about the website.

6. Music Theory Lessons https://www.musictheory.net/

7. The Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra by Benjamin Britton https://listeningadventures.carnegiehall.org/

8. Musical Kahoots coming soon!  Check back for more links.