Express yourselves through music!
CHOIR STUDENTS… (4th and 5th grade)
…are involved in singing, listening, reading, creating, evaluating, thinking, and talking—all about life skills, and music!
…are recognized for their own personal contribution and individual importance within the choir.
…share responsibility in the music process.
…perform in front of an audience.
…know the melodies and words to the songs.
…need to watch and follow Mrs. Makowski.
…sing with emotion and add dynamics (loud and soft).
…sing in unison and in harmony.
…stay together with the beat and rhythm and with the instrumentalists.
…listen to each other and communicate our feelings through music.
To sing well it takes training, energy, strength, effort, and will.
To sing you have to breathe, concentrate, focus, and work physically.
All students that are interested in the 4th-5th grade Honor Choir will audition with Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. All students accepted and parents will sign a commitment letter that outlines guidelines such as no absences on performance dates and choir dress will be required.